De todas formas, si como sujeto de la ciencia los sueños me parecen una estafa, sin embargo, sí considero que son fuente inagotable de inspiración literaria. Por así decirlo, casi constituyen un género. Y en su cima, según mi criterio, ni que decir tiene, dos ejemplos que me complazco en ofrecerles.
"No, no¡" said de Queen. "Sentence first-veredit afterwards."
"Stuff and nosense¡" said Alice loudly. "The idea of having the sentence first."
"Hold your tongue¡" said de Queen, turning purple.
"I von´t¡" said Alice.
"Off with her head¡" the Queen shouted at the top of her voice. Nobody moved.
"Who cares for you?" said Alice (she had grown to her full size by this time). "You are nothing but a pack of cards¡"
At this the whole pack rose up into the air, and came flying down upon her; She gave a little scream, half of fright and half of anger, an tried to beat them off, an found herself lying on the bank, with her head in de lap of her sister, who was gently brushing away some dead leaves that had fluttered down from de trees upon her face.
"Wake up, Alice dear¡" said her sister. "Why, what a long sleep you´ve had¡"
"Oh I´ve had such a curious dream!" said Alice. And she told her sister, as well as she could remember them, all these strange Adventures of hers that you have just been reading about;...
Supongo que ya se habrán dado cuenta de que es el final de "Alicia en el País de las Maravillas". Sólo quedan unas cuantas lineas en las que el autor se recrea relacionando los sucesivos episodios del relato con los ruidos que se han ido produciendo en el ambiente mientras Alicia dormía. Si leen con atención esas lineas les aseguro que entrarán en posesión de un amplio repertorio de palabras relacionadas con las diferentes modalidades del ruido.
Y así, recordando esa relación entre ruidos ambientales y sueños, he llegado a la conclusión de que mientras el joven poeta Senan Esnard dormía, por el exterior de su casa pasaron ambulancias o policías a toda mecha como es costumbre. Luego, se despertó y se puso a escribir este bello poema:
I went on a journey to buy a chocolate bar,
When I finally got to the store,
I picked up my chocolate bar like it was a golden star,
And picked up some more,
I threw them in a massive basket,
And went up to the till,
I asked the man how much it was,
And he gave me the bill,
I threw the bill with anger,
It was a rip off that´s what it was,
I had now grown a temper,
I stormed out of the store,
And then I got a buzz,
I hadn’t payed a dime,
The chocolate bars were in my hand,
I had commited a crime,
I sprinted down the road,
Trying to stay out of sight,
Then I saw the shopkeeper,
Was I going to have to put up a fight,
Then I heard a siren,
Could it be they were after me,
I sprinted down the road some more,
Thoughts clouding up my mind,
It grew into a war,
The shopkeeper caught up with me,
I had to confess,
Then I got my fist out,
And stung him like a bee,
I could not believe what I had just done,
Was I really that bad,
Or was I actually just mad,
I heard some more sirens ,
And just from behind,
I was stung with a taser,
And it cleared out my mind,
I was knocked out for several hours,
But then I just woke up,
I was in my bed with my pj´s on,
Could it had just been a dream,
I gave a yawn,
I was hungry for a chocolate bar,
But then I thought again.
Por cierto, lo recuerdo como si hubiese sido anoche. Tendría por entonces unos doce o trece años y habitaba en el segundo piso de la casa con rotonda que hay en la plazoleta de El Pilar de la calle Perines. Estaba aquella noche soñando que un gran barco se aproximaba al muelle a gran velocidad y la gente corría muerta de miedo. De pronto, desperté. Todo el barrio se había despertado y había corrido a asomarse a las ventanas. Justo en la panadería que había en la casa de enfrente acababa de explotar una caldera. Un pobre hombre había pasado al otro barrio. Como es natural, aquel suceso dio para muchos comentarios en los días sucesivos. Luego, se disolvió en el olvido. A veces paso por allí y rememoro. Ahora en esa casa ya no hay panadería y es la más miserable del barrio lo que no quita para que esté llena de parabólicas. Cosas de estos tiempos.
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